TIME 03:00HRS                                                                                                            Marks : 70

Q 1. Tick the correct answer:-                                                                             M 10

  1. —-was the first female computer programmer:
  • Lady Augusta ada Lovelace            (b) Ada charles

(.c) Rose                                                        (d) None of these

  1. Who is called the fathers of computer.
  • John nephiler (b) G.W. Leibbniz

(c.) Charles Babbage                                  (d) Blasé Pascale

  1. —–means binary digit i. e, 0 or 1.
  • Bit (b) Byte                                 (c) Digit                  (c) None of these
  1. Which o the following is an external storage devices ?
  • Hard disk                 (b) RAM

(c) ROM                                       (d) None of these

  1. ——-is a system software that acts as an interface between the user and the computer.
  • MS paint (b) MS- Word

(C.) Windows                (c) None of these

  1. —–is the most popular operation system being used today worldwide.

(a) Windows XP                           (b) Windows 3.1

(c) Window 2000                         (d) Windows 98

  1. Which commands bring the turtle back to its home ?

(a) HT             (b) HOME             (c) CT                     (d) FD

  1. Which command makes the turtle turn left.

(a) LT                     (b) RT                    (c) LT                     (d) ST

  1. —– is a word processing software

(a) MS-word                         (b) MS-Paint

(c) MS-Excel                         (d) None of these

  1. Shortcut key to ——a life is ctrl + S

(a) Delete                               (b) Save

(c) Print                                  (d) None of these

Q 2. T or F :-                                                                                                        5 M

  1. Logo can be used to draw a square.
  2. File and folder are the same.
  3. KB is equal to 1000 bytes.
  4. Blasé Pascal invented mark.
  5. Herman Hollerith developed a machine called ‘tabulating machine’

Q 3. Fill in the blanks :-

                [ms-word/editing/REPEAT/LOGO/Electronic/Folder/start/compact /disk/byte/1MB]                                                                                                   M 10

  1. A computer is an —–machine.
  2. —–is a word processing software.
  3. —–stands for language of graphics oriented.
  4. Making changes to the text is called ——.
  5. ——-command is used to repeat commands .
  6. —–button is the most used part of the windows desktop.
  7. A —–is used to organise the files or other folders.
  8. 1024 kilobytes makes a ————–.
  9. —–is the combination of 8 bits.
  10. ——-is an optical storage device.

Q 4. Shortcut  key & forms :-                                                                          M 10

  1. Forward ———————–
  2. Left turn ———————–
  3. Show turtle ———————–
  4. Pen up ———————–
  5. Clear screen ———————–
  6. Save ———————–
  7. Cut ———————–
  8. Copy ———————–
  9. Past ———————–
  10. Crate a new document ———————–

Q 5. Q-A (any 5)                                                                                                  M 10

  1. What is a word processor ?
  2. What is LOGO ?
  3. What is file ?
  4. Name the butter available on the title bar ?
  5. What is a hard disk ?
  6. What was the main components used in first-generation computer ?
  7. What is abacus ?



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