TIME 03:00HRS Marks : 70
Q 1. Tick the correct answer:- M 10
- —-was the first female computer programmer:
- Lady Augusta ada Lovelace (b) Ada charles
(.c) Rose (d) None of these
- Who is called the fathers of computer.
- John nephiler (b) G.W. Leibbniz
(c.) Charles Babbage (d) Blasé Pascale
- —–means binary digit i. e, 0 or 1.
- Bit (b) Byte (c) Digit (c) None of these
- Which o the following is an external storage devices ?
- Hard disk (b) RAM
(c) ROM (d) None of these
- ——-is a system software that acts as an interface between the user and the computer.
- MS paint (b) MS- Word
(C.) Windows (c) None of these
- —–is the most popular operation system being used today worldwide.
(a) Windows XP (b) Windows 3.1
(c) Window 2000 (d) Windows 98
- Which commands bring the turtle back to its home ?
(a) HT (b) HOME (c) CT (d) FD
- Which command makes the turtle turn left.
(a) LT (b) RT (c) LT (d) ST
- —– is a word processing software
(a) MS-word (b) MS-Paint
(c) MS-Excel (d) None of these
- Shortcut key to ——a life is ctrl + S
(a) Delete (b) Save
(c) Print (d) None of these
Q 2. T or F :- 5 M
- Logo can be used to draw a square.
- File and folder are the same.
- KB is equal to 1000 bytes.
- Blasé Pascal invented mark.
- Herman Hollerith developed a machine called ‘tabulating machine’
Q 3. Fill in the blanks :-
[ms-word/editing/REPEAT/LOGO/Electronic/Folder/start/compact /disk/byte/1MB] M 10
- A computer is an —–machine.
- —–is a word processing software.
- —–stands for language of graphics oriented.
- Making changes to the text is called ——.
- ——-command is used to repeat commands .
- —–button is the most used part of the windows desktop.
- A —–is used to organise the files or other folders.
- 1024 kilobytes makes a ————–.
- —–is the combination of 8 bits.
- ——-is an optical storage device.
Q 4. Shortcut key & forms :- M 10
- Forward ———————–
- Left turn ———————–
- Show turtle ———————–
- Pen up ———————–
- Clear screen ———————–
- Save ———————–
- Cut ———————–
- Copy ———————–
- Past ———————–
- Crate a new document ———————–
Q 5. Q-A (any 5) M 10
- What is a word processor ?
- What is LOGO ?
- What is file ?
- Name the butter available on the title bar ?
- What is a hard disk ?
- What was the main components used in first-generation computer ?
- What is abacus ?